Doing Away With Season Planning
When was the last time you bought a season subscription to a theatre? I have a tough time getting my friend to commit to seeing a show next week, I … Continue Reading ⇒
When was the last time you bought a season subscription to a theatre? I have a tough time getting my friend to commit to seeing a show next week, I … Continue Reading ⇒
Artists and administrators fear that theatre is no longer relevant to American audiences. Signs point to the demise of the Regional Theaters as attendance and funding decrease. What’s the next … Continue Reading ⇒
An email newsletter from Musical Theatre West included a few press blurbs about their current production of CATS, which I have not seen. One that caught my eye was: “BROADWAY … Continue Reading ⇒
As an art-form, we’re pretty behind the times. Yes, we’ve got projections, digital sound, LED lighting systems, a digital enhancement for everything that people can do on a stage. But … Continue Reading ⇒
From an email in my inbox today: The House FY11 continuing budget resolution now includes a $43.1 million funding decrease to the NEA, which represents a 25% cut from current … Continue Reading ⇒
By why do I need it so often? I just reworked my entire website. For the 4th major overhaul in recent memory. The WordPress framework is the same, the layout … Continue Reading ⇒
A little wordplay for today. The Chaos by Dr. Gerard Nolst TrenitΓ©, 1870-1946 Dearest creature in creation, Study English pronunciation. I will teach you in my verse Sounds like corpse, … Continue Reading ⇒
I was a Boy Scout for a while. “Be Prepared” was the motto. I’m learning that this advice is probably the most important thing… ever. We’re often told to “expect … Continue Reading ⇒
Let’s look at film students for a second. How many movies are they asked to see a semester? I remember in an intro class I took in college I was … Continue Reading ⇒
Last night I went to the latest LA Actors Tweetup… and I had a blast! Haven’t been in LA all that long, but this was the coolest industry/networking get-together ever. … Continue Reading ⇒