How many movies do you see a year?

Let’s look at film students for a second. How many movies are they asked to see a semester? I remember in an intro class I took in college I was watching at least one movie a week for class. Back to theatre…

When I decided that I’d see a lot of shows this year, it was really just for the fun of it. “Why not?” I thought (I’m up to 74 now, by the way). But there are plenty of benefits from seeing a lot of shows, especially since that’s the industry I’m in. I learn about new plays, new takes on old plays, see what makes a good actor, what makes a bad actors, do’s from good directors, don’t’s from bad ones, great house management, poor management, etc. It’s a huge learning experience really.

But no one is really encouraged to see lots of plays for this reason, right? Theatre students definitely don’t have to see a play a week. There’s only so much you can get from someone talking, whether you’re in school or not. When you want to learn about something, you need to do it, experience it, be a part of it.

I know, it can be more expensive, less convenient, often unavailable in some places. Film can come to you online, in the mail, and be played anytime. I realize the difference. But for people who are in the industry or learning about it…

Don’t you think that we should encourage more theatre-going?